1. Love's Wild Desire Henry Baker 1698-1774
2. The Declaimer Henry Baker 698-1774
3. The Art of the Coquette Charlotte Lennox 1729-1804
4. O Nymph John Gay 1685-1732
5. Summer Alexander Pope 1686-1744
6. Perplexity Elizabeth Hands circa 1786
7. A Pastoral John Byrom 1692-1763
8. Who Seeks My Heart? Richard Sheridan 1751-1816
9. To Cure a Love Fit Anonymous 1733
10. The Lover Lady Montagu 1689-1762
11. Passion, a Sin? Earl Chesterfield 1694-1773
12. A Fan Anonymous 1789
13. In Chloe's Chamber John Bancks 1709-1751
14. Our Servile Tongues Mary Leapor 1722-1746
15. The Request Sarah Dixon f. 1716 -1745
16. Torments Charlotte Lennox 1729-1804
17. Folly Oliver Goldsmith 1730-1774
18. The Dying Prostitute Thomas Holcroft 1745-1809
19. The Bastard Richard Savage 1728
20. Epitaph for a Child... Anonymous
21. The Mystery of Life John Gambol 1711-1771
22. On the Origin of Evil John Byrom 1709-1763
23. Modern Manners Mary Alcock 1742-1798
24. A Reasonable Affliction Matthew Prior 1664-1721
25. An Unsociable Family Elizabeth Hands circa 1786
26. Epigrams Earl Nugent 1702-1788
27. Matrimony John Williams 1761-1818
28. To the Ladies Lady Chudleigh 1656-1710
29. Dear Spouse Captain H. 1716
30. Be Wise Ye Fair! Anonymous (a lady)
31. Ode to a Sprite Judith Madan 1725
32. To My Heavenly Charmer Martha Sansom 1690-1736
33. Thy Beauty Thomas Parnell 1679-171
34. To My Daughter Anne Hunter 1742-1821
35. Advice to Her Son Mary Barber 1690-1757
36. Elegy for a Maiden Name Jane Cave 1754-181
37. A Few Happy Matches Isaac Watts 1674-1748
38. To My Lover Anne Finch 1661-1720